Mission statement
SLU conducts education, research and environmental monitoring and assessment in collaboration with society at large. Through our focus on the interaction between humans, animals and ecosystems and the responsible use of natural resources, we contribute to sustainable societal development and good living conditions on our planet.
SLU plays a key role in development for sustainable life, based on science and education.
Brand promise
Science and Education for Sustainable Life
Strategy 2021-2025
The extracts below from the strategy decribe our overall strategic objectives and priority focus areas.
Overall strategic objectives
- SLU is an attractive and stimulating workplace for our current and future employees.
- SLU is an attractive university for students and offers courses and programmes of high quality with societal relevance.
- SLU's researchers have good access to research infrastructure which gives the opportunity for ground-breaking, excellent research.
- SLU's collaboration will benefit society and be appreciated by stakeholders while the quality of our education, research and EMA will be raised.
- Employees and students will have knowledge of and feel commitment to SLU's activities, and take joint responsibility for developing activities.
Priority focus areas
The focus areas refer to overall areas of a general nature, which apply across faculty, departmental and subject boundaries. These focus areas indicate where SLU as a whole will invest its energies during the 2021–2025 period, in order to create the best possible conditions for allowing the organisation to develop in accordance with our vision.
SLU's next steps for sustainable development
Overall objective: In a changing world, SLU is a world-class university that plays a key role in the transition to a sustainable society.
SLU in the digital society
Overall objective: SLU contributes to the digital transformation and uses it to support the transition to a more sustainable society and increase the quality of our activities.
Overall objective: A stronger, unified SLU –both internally and in our external contacts.