Max Planck Institute of Molecular Physiology

Max-Planck-Institut für molekulare Physiologie Dortmund, Architektur -  baukunst-nrw

Max Planck Institute of Molecular Physiology

In line with its scientific mission, "from molecule to man", the Max Planck Institute of Molecular Physiology conducts basic biomedical research in Dortmund. At the interface between structural biology, molecular cell biology and chemical biology, the Institute’s scientists pursue an interdisciplinary research approach leading to a unique liaison between chemistry and biology. The scientific concept aims to achieve a holistic understanding of the dynamics of cellular reaction networks. By identifying and synthesising near-natural active substances, the scientists can accurately modulate intracellular processes. State of the art imaging methods are used to depict molecular reactions in cells. An important aspect of the scientists' systems-biological research work is the act of clarifying the molecular causes of diseases which, as in the case of cancer, are based on faulty intracellular signal transmission.

Our Research Groups

The Institute consists of four departments. Each of them is headed by a director and is scientifically autonomous. In each of the four departments, thematically related research groups are integrated. They have their own scientific priorities and pursue independent research projects. 

In our projects, we not only think in departments or disciplines. We focus on communication and cooperation. We draw inspiration from each other’s different perspectives, develop joint projects and thus benefit from the expertise of the other subject areas.


Mechanistic Cell Biology: Musacchio I Systemic Cell Biology: Bastiaens Bieling Schröter Structural Biochemistry: Raunser I Chemical Biology: Waldmann Loh I  Physical Biochemistry (Emeritus): Goody

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