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International Max Planck Research School for Condensed Matter Science (IMPRS-CMS)


Postdoctoral Associate

Location: United States of America - Massachusetts
Working at MIT offers opportunities that just aren’t found anywhere else, including generous and unique benefits that help to ensure that MIT employees are healthy, supported, and enjoy a fulfilling work/life balance. Discover more about wh...

Mechanical Engineering PhD Research Associate
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

No deadline

Facharzt (gn*) für Neurologie

Location: Germany - Steinfurt Nordrhein Westfalen
Facharzt (gn*) für NeurologieStellenkennung:  7868(*gn=geschlechtsneutral) Wir suchen zur Verstärkung unseres Teams der Bauhaus MVZ GmbH für den Standort Steinfurt zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt unbefristet Sie! in Teilzeit mit 20 Wochenstun...

Medicine Neurology specialist
UKM - Universitätsklinikum Münster

No deadline

Postdoctoral Associate

Location: United States of America - Massachusetts
Working at MIT offers opportunities that just aren’t found anywhere else, including generous and unique benefits that help to ensure that MIT employees are healthy, supported, and enjoy a fulfilling work/life balance. Discover more about wh...

Biology Data Science Engineering Mathematics Neuroscience PhD Physics Research Associate
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

No deadline

Associate Senior lecturer (Assistant Professor) in Conservation Ecology

Location: Sweden - Alnarp
Associate Senior lecturer (Assistant Professor) in Conservation Ecology with a focus on the effects of forestry on ground vegetationRef of Forest SciencesSouthern Swedish Forest Research CentreThe Southern Swed...

Associate Professor Ecology Forest Science Forestry Senior Lecturer
Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet / Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences SLU

No deadline

Doktorand*in auf dem Gebiet der Herz-Kreislauf-Forschung (PhD/Dr. rer. nat.) (m/w/d)

Location: Germany - München Bayern
Das sind wir: An der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München arbeiten Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler auf höchstem Niveau an den Zukunftsfragen um Mensch, Gesellschaft, Kultur, Umwelt und Technologie. Die LMU gehört zu den forschun...

Biochemistry Biology Medical Sciences Medicine Natural Science pharmacy PhD
LMU - Ludwig-Maximilans-Universität München

No deadline

Predoctoral Research Fellow

Location: United States of America - Massachusetts
Working at MIT offers opportunities that just aren’t found anywhere else, including generous and unique benefits that help to ensure that MIT employees are healthy, supported, and enjoy a fulfilling work/life balance. Discover more about wh...

Computer Engineering Computer Sciences Data analysis Economics Mathematics PhD Social Science Statistics
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

No deadline

Postdoctoral Associate

Location: United States of America - Massachusetts
Working at MIT offers opportunities that just aren’t found anywhere else, including generous and unique benefits that help to ensure that MIT employees are healthy, supported, and enjoy a fulfilling work/life balance. Discover more about wh...

Chemical Engineering Mechanical Engineering PhD Research Associate
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

No deadline

Clinical Investigator/Research Scientist

Location: United States of America - Massachusetts
Working at MIT offers opportunities that just aren’t found anywhere else, including generous and unique benefits that help to ensure that MIT employees are healthy, supported, and enjoy a fulfilling work/life balance. Discover more about wh...

Biological Engineering Cancer Biology Cancer Research Clinic Scientist Clinical Sciences PhD Researcher Scientist
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

No deadline

Postdoctoral researchers in Intelligent and Autonomous Systems

Location: Sweden - Stockholm
Postdoctoral researchers in Intelligent and Autonomous SystemsSchool of Engineering Sciences at KTHJob descriptionThe Optimization & Systems Theory research group at KTH is inviting applications for up to two postdoctoral researcher pos...

AI Artificial Intelligence PhD
KTH Royal Institute of Technology

No deadline

Postdoc in visualizations for smart industry 5.0 industrial operators

Location: Sweden - Stockholm
Postdoc in visualizations for smart industry 5.0 industrial operatorsSchool of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at KTHJob descriptionThe advertised post-doctoral position is within an ambitious Digital Futures ISPP Project titled...

Computer Engineering Computer Sciences Electrical Engineering Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) PhD
KTH Royal Institute of Technology

No deadline


BAM - Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung

AIT Austrian Institute of Technology

Universität der Bundeswehr München

SAL Silicon Austria Labs GmbH

OTH - Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule Amberg-Weiden

International Max Planck Research School for Condensed Matter Science (IMPRS-CMS)

Max Planck Graduate Center for Quantum Materials (MPGC-QM)

TU Darmstadt