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International Max Planck Research School for Condensed Matter Science (IMPRS-CMS)


PhD Position (f_m_x) „Hydro-mechanic effects of climate changes in North Central Europe

Location: Germany - Potsdam Brandenburg
The GFZ Helmholtz Centre for Geosciences is the national centre for research into the geosphere. With around 1,650 employees, we develop a sound understanding of systems and processes of the solid Earth as well as strategies and options for...

geology geophysical sciences Geosciences hydraulics and hydromechanics Mathematics numerical modeling PhD Physics
GFZ Helmholtz Centre for Geosciences

Apply before 2025-02-10

Postdoctoral position (f_m_x) - Landscape response to the Hualien earthquake

Location: Germany - Potsdam Brandenburg
The Helmholtz Centre Potsdam - GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences is the national centre for research into the geosphere. With around 1,650 employees, we develop a sound understanding of systems and processes of the solid Earth as w...

Engineering Hydrology Geosciences hydraulic stimulation methods hydraulics and hydromechanics hydrological data Postdoc
GFZ Helmholtz Centre for Geosciences

Apply before 2025-02-02

Masterarbeit: Kelvin-Helmholtz-Instabilität in turbulenten Gerinneströmungen

Location: Germany - Karlsruhe Baden Württemberg
Masterarbeit Kelvin-Helmholtz-Instabilität in turbulenten Gerinneströmungen Dr.Victor Dupuis Prof.Olivier Eiff Kontakt:  Beim Zusammentreffen zweier paralleler Strömungen verschiedener Geschwindigkeiten bildet sich eine ...

Experimental Physics Engineering Experimental skills hydraulic stimulation methods hydraulics and hydromechanics Master Thesis Mechanical Engineering Physics Student Assistants
KIT - Helmholtz Karlsruhe / Institut für Technologie

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Max Planck Graduate Center for Quantum Materials (MPGC-QM)

WMU - World Maritime University

Helmut-Schmidt-Universität - Universität der Bundeswehr Hamburg

AIT Austrian Institute of Technology

SAL Silicon Austria Labs GmbH

International Max Planck Research School for Condensed Matter Science (IMPRS-CMS)