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International Max Planck Research School for Condensed Matter Science (IMPRS-CMS)


Staff Scientist – Magnetic Resonance Imaging Specialist for 7T MRI

Location: Germany - Frankfurt Frankfurt am Main Hessen
The Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics (MPIEA) investigates why and how people create art and how they perform, experience, and evaluate it. The Institute’s focus is on music, but we also engage with other performing arts such as...

Biomedical engineering Biomedicine Magnetic Resonance Imaging PhD Physics Scientist
Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics

Apply before 2025-03-02

DAAD-GSSP Scholarships for international PhD students

Location: Germany - Darmstadt Hessen
DAAD-GSSP Scholarships for international PhD students Unlock Your Research Potential: Join the Graduate School LSE! Embark on an exciting journey at the interface between engineering and life sciences with TU Darmstadt's Graduate School LSE...

Biochemistry Biology Biomedical Sciences Cell Biology Chemistry Developmental Biology LifeScience Molecular Biology pathology PhD Photonics Physics protein structure and function spectroscopy
TU Darmstadt

Apply before 2025-02-28

Masterarbeit - Optimierung der Messgenauigkeit von dielektrischen Messungen an festen Isolierstoffen

Location: Germany - Darmstadt Hessen
Hintergrund und MotivationAufgrund der steigenden Integration von erneuerbaren Energien und dem stetigen Fortschritt von Wide-Band-Gap Halbleitern werden Isoliermaterialien zunehmend einer Kombination aus hohen elektrischen Feldern bei zeit...

Electrical Engineering electrical machines High Voltage Master Thesis Power Electronics Student Assistants
TU Darmstadt

No deadline


Location: Germany - Biebergemünd Hessen
Safety-Sneakers, peppige Pants, coole Caps – unsere Produkte kommen in der Arbeitswelt bestens an – national und international. Das erfordert personelle Verstärkung im Team. Denn auch in unserer wichtigsten Steuer- und Kontrollstelle, dem F...

Accountant Accounting Economic Law Public Finance Tax Law
Engelbert Strauss GmbH & Co. KG

No deadline


Universität der Bundeswehr München

Max Planck Graduate Center for Quantum Materials (MPGC-QM)

AIT Austrian Institute of Technology

OTH - Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule Amberg-Weiden

TU Darmstadt

SAL Silicon Austria Labs GmbH

International Max Planck Research School for Condensed Matter Science (IMPRS-CMS)

BAM - Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung