Location: Germany - Karlsruhe Baden Württemberg
Master Thesis offerFormation mechanisms of fine-sediment ribbonsDr. Ing. Michele TrevissonProf. Dr. Olivier EiffContact: michele.trevisson@kit.eduMotivationSediment ribbons are longitudinal bedforms characterized by variations in the bed to...
No deadline
Location: Germany - Karlsruhe Baden Württemberg
Master Thesis:(optional in English or German)Impact of Roadside Vegetation Barriers on Air QualityMotivation and Goals:Line-like vegetation structures consisting of hedges, shrubs, trees, or combinations thereof, next to roads affect the wi...
No deadline
Location: Germany - Karlsruhe Baden Württemberg
Masterarbeit Kelvin-Helmholtz-Instabilität in turbulenten Gerinneströmungen Dr.Victor Dupuis Prof.Olivier Eiff Kontakt: victor.dupuis@kit.edu Beim Zusammentreffen zweier paralleler Strömungen verschiedener Geschwindigkeiten bildet sich eine ...
No deadline
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