Postdoc (m/w/d) with focus on translational activities: clinical development


The department of personalized infection medicine led by Prof. Dr. Kathrin de la Rosa at the Centre for Individualised Infection Medicine (CiiM), is offering the position of a

Postdoc (m/w/d) with focus on translational activities: clinical development of a method to assess cancer risk and immune defects

An innovative procedure is to be brought into clinical application by a new type of scientist: the "Translational Scientist". 

This job offer is part of a BMBF-funded DATIpilot project that aims at a new species of lab worker: the "Translational Scientist". As a counterpart to the "Clinician Scientists" who act as a link between clinic and research, you will become the first "Translational Scientist" filling the gap between industry and academic research. Your role will be to complement a science team with skills that enable the first steps towards translating a novel biomarker. Our methodological pipeline (patent application EP23162720.9.) was developed to assess the risk and treatment options for hereditary cancers and susceptibility to infections.

The de la Rosa team is searching for a candidate with strong skills in either immunology and/or translation, optimally with experience in biomarker research or development. Our laboratory addresses fundamental questions of human B cell biology and translates them into personalized vaccines, therapies, and diagnostics. Specifically, we develop novel tools to study the repertoire of antibodies and the underlying recombination events. We aim at personalized cell-based vaccines and at improving the safety and efficacy of existing vaccination strategies. 

You will become part of the Centre for Individualized Infection Medicine (CiiM), a growing community that will be located in a novel building on the campus of the Hannover Medical School (MHH). The CiiM was founded 2015 as a joint venture of the Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research (HZI) and Hannover Medical School (MHH) and is the first research institute explicitly dedicated to develop personalized medicine for infections. The departments and groups of the CiiM are working towards the vision of treating infectious patients in an adapted and optimized way according to the specific needs and requirements of each individual. To achieve this, CiiM is dedicated to researching individual characteristics and their impact on susceptibility to infection or treatment success with available therapies. 


  • Acquire and advance your skills in biomarker development through external training (funding available) and self-study
  • Scaling and quality management of the existing method pipeline in line with the "In Vitro Diagnostic Regulation (IVDR)”
  • Development of formal requirements for the authorisation of biomarkers
  • Development and design of the job description for future "translational scientists".
  • Preparation of presentations and pitches in German and English
  • Support and supervision of other scientists and technical assistants 
  • Support with the internet presence of the working unit 


  • Completed scientific university or master's degree in live sciences (e.g. immunology, systems biology, infectiology) 
  • Strong track record with (A) first-author publications in peer-reviewed scientific journals and/or (B) previous activities in industry
  • Management and communication experiences, as evidenced by, e.g. activities in industry/scientific communities, or mentoring of students
  • Experience in guiding staff
  • A personality supporting team science and our lab culture values: Respect, Openness, Sustainability, Adaptability
  • Knowledge of MS-Office programs 
  • Good written and spoken English language skills

Advantageous for this position:

  • Knowledge in biomarker research or development
  • Experience in technology transfer and start-up companies, such as funding, preparation of pitch decks, or communication with potential investors
  • Skills in molecular biology or long read sequencing
  • Basic bioinformatic skills, such as the use of R studio for visualization or data analysis.

We offer you:

  • An attractive and varied job in a future-oriented research institute 
  • A state-of-the-art infrastructure and the latest technologies
  • Flexible working hours and part-time models 
  • A corporate culture of appreciation and promotion of equal opportunities
  • Extensive training and continuing education opportunities to develop professional knowledge and personal skills
  • A family office to support family and career as well as childcare offers
  • Interesting additional public service benefits
  • Subsidization of the job ticket

People with severe disabilities and equivalent professional qualifications who are suitable for the position are given preference. In order to protect your rights, we ask you to provide us with a clearly recognizable reference to the existence of a degree of severe disability in your cover letter or resume. 

The position is held at the Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research GmbH (HZI) in Braunschweig. The place of employment is Hannover.

The HZI is actively committed to equality, diversity and integration. For this reason, the HZI pursues the goal of professional equality between women and men. The position is suitable for part-time work. 

Starting date: As soon as possible. The position will run for a total of 3 years.
Salary: E13 TVöD
Working time: 39 hours per week 
Place of work: Hannover
Probation period: 6 months
Closing date: 22.09.2024

For further information please contact email:

How to apply: 

When sending us your application documents, please confirm that you have read our privacy policy and that you agree to the processing of your personal data. Please use the text module in our privacy policy for this purpose. Without these declarations we cannot consider or process your application and will immediately delete any application documents already received after the application deadline.

Please include a cover letter, resume, (employment) references, certificates, and (if available) work samples or reference projects with your application materials. Please refrain from sending a photo.

Please start your motivation letter with 2 sentences, why you are the right candidate fitting this project. Please also specify, why you are interested in translation. 

Please send your complete application, quoting the reference number 120/2024, to the Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research GmbH, Human Resources Department, Inhoffenstr. 7, 38124 Braunschweig, Germany or by e-mail. If you send your application in electronic form, please provide a summary in one single (1) pdf document.

We look forward to receiving your application!


Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research (HZI)

Visit employer page

Deadline: 2024-09-22
Location: Germany, Hannover, Niedersachsen
Categories: cell and systems biology, Clinical Sciences, Immunology, Infection Biology , LifeScience, Medicine, Postdoc,


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