As Austria's largest research and technology organisation for applied research, we are dedicated to make substantial contributions to solving the major challenges of our time, climate change and digitalisation. To achieve our goals, we rely on our specific research, development and technology competencies, which are the basis of our commitment to excellence in all areas. With our open culture of innovation and our motivated, international teams, we are working to position AIT as Austria's leading research institution at the highest international level and to make a positive contribution to the economy and society.


Our Center for Vision, Automation & Control located in Vienna invites applications for a master’s thesis position. At the Center for Vision, Automation & Control our research unit “Assistive & Autonomous Systems” closely works with industrial partners in order to develop safe and reliable technology components for assistance systems, that can be used in various areas of applications, for e.g.: Railway / Public Transport, Construction Industry, Logistics & Transportation, Agriculture & Forestry as well as in Aviation.



  • You will closely work with our researchers and engineers specialising on assistive and autonomous systems, particularly unmanned aircrafts and land-based mobile machines, to tackle diverse and multi-facetted challenges as part of a multi-disciplinary team.
  • Automated robotic systems are able to perceive their environment and to classify, locate, and track objects for various domain-specific applications - Guided by your team, you will contribute to the development of a simulation environment for disaster scenarios such as wild-fire or floods.
  • Your tasks will include working with reinforcement learning training environments and integrating GIS data to set up realistic disaster scenarios.
  • You integrate the necessary simulator componentsto initialize and to ensure realistic progression of multiple disaster scenarios.
  • While contributing to a rapidly growing field in aerial robotics, you will explore state-of-the-art technologies, apply them in real-world scenarios and – as a final step of your work – design a proof-of-concept demonstration.
  • Additionally, you will evaluate and document concepts and test-runs in predefined scenarios.
  • You may publish your results in a journal or present them at a conference.

Your qualifications as an Ingenious Partner:

  • Ongoing master’s studies in robotics, mechatronics, electronic engineering, electrical engineering, computer science, Geoinformatics, Remote Sensing
  • Experience in simulators and programming
  • Experience in programming / script languages: C++, Python
  • Knowledge of ArduPilot and reinforcement learning is advantageous
  • Experience with GIS data processing would be a plus
  • Good knowledge of verbal and written English

What to expect:

  • Duration of the master’s thesis project: 6 months
  • Start date: ideally 01.01.2025 – However there is some flexibility concerning the start-date
  • EUR 968,-- gross per month for 20 hours/week based on the collective agreement. There will be additional company benefits. As a research institution, we are familiar with the supervision and execution of master theses, and we are looking forward to supporting you accordingly!


At AIT diversity and inclusion are of great importance. This is why we strive to inspire women to join our teams in the field of technology. We welcome applications from women, who will be given preference in case of equal qualifications after taking into account all relevant facts and circumstances of all applications.


Please submit your application documents including your CV, cover letter, relevant certificates (transcript of records) online.

AIT Austrian Institute of Technology

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No deadline
Location: Austria, Vienna
Categories: Computer Sciences, Electrical Engineering, Electronics, Geoinformatics, Master Thesis, Mechatronics, Programming, Remote Sensing, Robotics, Student Assistants,


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