Technische Universität Berlin

Wer führt die TU Berlin?: Harte Konkurrenz um eine Uni im Umbruch

University Mission

Technische Universität Berlin’s mission statement lays down in writing its self-image
as a globally recognized research university with a rich tradition.
We aim to further develop science and technology for the benefit of society.
The members of the University are committed to the principle of sustainable development.
They aspire to meet the requirements of the present, while seeking not to burden
future generations.
We regard research and teaching as inseparably linked.


TU Berlin has a long and rich tradition and is recognized globally as an excellent
research university.
Our goal is to continue to develop science and technology for the benefit of our society.
The members of the university are wholly committed to the principle of
sustainable development which tackles contemporary challenges without further burdening future 


For us, research and teaching are insep-arably linked.

Using innovative, technology-oriented and holistic methodologies we are contributing
to the shaping of a better future.
We are fully aware of our responsibility vis-à-vis society – not only due to
our history –but also because we must uphold ethical and humanistic oriented standards
in our research and teaching endeavors.

It is against this background that research and teaching in the natural, planning and engineering
sciences are inextricably linked with the humanities and social sciences.
All our research and teaching activities serve civilian purposes exclusively.

Our university members are actively engaged in promoting equal opportunity between
women and men and in creating family-friendly study and working conditions.
We strive to ensure equal opportunity and non-discrimination at all levels of
the university organization.
In our teaching and research we also explicitly embrace the plurality of world views and
diverse ways of life.

                                                Forschung an der Technischen Universität Berlin


We carry out basic and application-oriented research at a top international level.

On the basis of our comprehensive spectrum of disciplines we establish fields of future

scientific focus and promote cross-faculty research activities and networks with external actors.

Teaching and academics

TU Berlin is an attractive educational institution in which students acquire the academic

and social competencies they will need for their careers and to actively shape the society of the future.
The broad range of subjects offered by TU Berlin provides students a transdisciplinary

scientific education, which in turn is an expression of the universityʼs societal and global responsibilities.

Continuing education in science is an integrative component of university training and enables lifelong learning.
We are open to the concept of innovation as the basis for constantly impro-ving our university.

We are continuously refining the quality of instruction by promoting dialogue between our teachers

and students, in addition to developing further options that can ensure the ongoing professionalization of our academic staff

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Wiss. Mit­ar­bei­ter*in (d/m/w) / Ausschreibung V-843/23
Categories: Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Mechatronics, Soil Science, Vehicle technology,