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International Max Planck Research School for Condensed Matter Science (IMPRS-CMS)


PhD student Exploring spatial (re)presentations and imaginations through image-making

Location: Belgium - Hasselt
PhD student Exploring spatial (re)presentations and imaginations through image-makingYour functionThe FRAME research cluster of the Faculty of Architecture and Arts at UHasselt offers a full-time doctoral position of 2 years, extendable by ...

Architecture Art Methodology PhD
Hasselt University

Apply before 2024-10-15


Max Planck Institute for Social Law and Social Policy

Universität der Bundeswehr München

SAL Silicon Austria Labs GmbH

AIT Austrian Institute of Technology

Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research (HZI)

Helmut-Schmidt-Universität - Universität der Bundeswehr Hamburg

OTH - Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule Amberg-Weiden

Leibniz-Institut für Analytische Wissenschaften – ISAS – e.V. (ISAS)