PhD candidate in immune epigenetics (f/m/d)


Das Universitätsklinikum Bonn

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Vollzeit - ab sofort

Within the Institute of Clinical Chemistry and Clinical Pharmacology at the Faculty of Medicine of the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-University Bonn the laboratory of Prof. Swantje Liedmann is looking for a

PhD candidate in immune epigenetics (f/m/d)

The part-time position starts February 2024 for three years due a project.

The Institute of Clinical Chemistry and Clinical Pharmacology represents the two areas of Clinical Chemistry and Clinical Pharmacology in research, teaching, and healthcare. It includes the Central Laboratory of the University Hospital, a Phase I unit for early clinical trials, and numerous research groups. The institute is member of the Cluster of Excellence ImmunoSensation, the Center for Integrated Oncology (CIO) Cologne Bonn, and the German Center for Infection Research (DZIF).

In the Liedmann lab our research is focused on generation-spanning immune regulation. How does the environment influence the epigenetic landscape of our germ cells? How are changes to the epigenetic landscape transmitted through generations? And how does that shape the immunity of our children and grandchildren? Questions like these are driving our work. To answer those questions, we utilize human and mouse germ cells, in vivo model systems, and state of the art sequencing technologies.

Ihre Aufgaben


Ihr Profil

  • A strong motivation to work in the field of environmental immunology
  • A master’s degree or equivalent
  • A background in immunology, epigenetics, or a related field
  • The ability to work with in vivo models
  • Preferably experiences in the analysis of sequencing data 
  • A collaborative attitude and ability to work both independently and in a team
  • Very good English skills


Unser Angebot

  • Work in a young, highly motivated, international team
  • The opportunity to make an impact in a newly emerging, highly relevant field of research
  • Comprehensive training and networking options
  • Exposure to cutting edge research technologies (scRNAseq, ATACseq, CUT&RUN)
  • A salary according to TV-L13/65%
  • Additional public service pension (VBL)


The University of Bonn is an equal opportunities employer.

Your complete application in English includes a motivation letter (max. 1 page), your CV, a brief statement of research experiences and interests, and contact information of two referees. Please send a single pdf file to Swantje Liedmann (Swantje [dot] Liedmann [at] ukbonn [dot] de) by 17.01.2024. For more information visit

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Unser Ziel ist es, den Anteil von Frauen in Bereichen, in denen Frauen unterrepräsentiert sind, zu erhöhen und deren Karrieren besonders zu fördern. Wir fordern deshalb einschlägig qualifizierte Frauen nachdrücklich zur Bewerbung auf. Bewerbungen werden in Übereinstimmung mit dem Landesgleichstellungsgesetz behandelt. Die Bewerbung geeigneter Menschen mit nachgewiesener Schwerbehinderung und diesen gleichgestellten Personen ist besonders willkommen.

Universitätsklinikum Bonn

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No deadline
Location: Germany, Bonn, Nordrhein Westfalen
Categories: Environmental Sciences, Epigenetics, Immunology, PhD,


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