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International Max Planck Research School for Molecular Organ Biology (IMPRS-MOB)


Postdoctoral Research Assistant, Digital Humanities and Media Technology Studies, 60%

Location: Switzerland - Basel
Postdoctoral Research Assistant, Digital Humanities and Media Technology Studies, 60% The Digital Humanities Lab at the University of Basel is looking for a research assistant (with a doctorate) as of 1st September 2025 or earlier/late...

AI Artificial Intelligence Computer Sciences Humanities Information Literary Studies media studies media technology Postdoc Research Assistant
University of Basel

Apply before 2025-02-15

Wissenschaftliche Fachbereichsleitung - Dokumentation und Herkünfte (w/m/d)

Location: Germany - Bremerhaven Bremen
 Das Deutsche Schifffahrtsmuseum – Leibniz-Institut für Maritime Geschichte ist eines der größten schifffahrtsgeschichtlichen Museen in Europa. Als Teil der Leibniz-Gemeinschaft betreiben wir exzellente außeruniversitäre Forschung. Auf eine...

AI archival science Artificial Intelligence Head of Department Head of Research Humanities information sciences Library science Machine Learning museology PhD Social Science
German Maritime Museum – Leibniz Institute for Maritime History (DSM)

Apply before 2025-02-02

PhD Student in Mixed Reality and Generative AI

Location: Switzerland - Winterthur
PhD Student in Mixed Reality and Generative AI You have a passion for Visual Computing and Generative AI. Join us and make science fiction real! School: School of Engineering Starting date: May 1st 2025; To apply, please subm...

AI Artificial Intelligence Computer Sciences Computer Vision Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) PhD Programming
ZHAW Zurich University of Applied Sciences

No deadline

Wissenschaftler:in / Dozent:in Prozessdigitalisierung & Künstliche Intelligenz 80 – 100 %

Location: Switzerland - Winterthur
Wissenschaftler:in / Dozent:in Prozessdigitalisierung & Künstliche Intelligenz 80 – 100 %  Werden Sie Teil unseres innovativen Teams und gestalten Sie durch Forschung, Lehre und Weiterbildung die Zukunft der Prozessdigitalisierung ...

Business Informatics AI Artificial Intelligence Business Administration Business Information Systems Digitization research Information Systems Lecturer PhD Scientist
ZHAW Zurich University of Applied Sciences

No deadline


Location: Austria - Vienna
As Austria's largest research and technology organisation for applied research, we are dedicated to make substantial contributions to solving the major challenges of our time, climate change and digitisation. To achieve our goals, we rely o...

AI Artificial Intelligence automation technology Master Thesis Mechatronics Programming Robotics Student Assistants
AIT Austrian Institute of Technology

No deadline

Wissenschaftliche*r Mitarbeiter*in (m/w/d) - Professur für Informatik im Maschinenbau

Location: Germany - Hamburg
An der Helmut-Schmidt-Universität/Universität der Bundeswehr Hamburg (HSU/UniBw H), Fakultät für Maschinenbau und Bauingenieurwesen, Professur für Informatik im Maschinenbau (Herr Univ.-Prof. Dr. Niggemann), ist ab dem 01.05.2025 die Stelle...

AI Artificial Intelligence Cyber-Physical Systems Engineering informatics Machine Learning Mechanical Engineering Research Assistant
Helmut-Schmidt-Universität - Universität der Bundeswehr Hamburg

Apply before 2025-01-16

PhD: AI for Electromagnetic Interference Filter Design (DC7)

Location: Netherlands - Eindhoven
PhD: AI for Electromagnetic Interference Filter Design (DC7) Aanstellingsfunctie(s) Promovendus Irène Curie Fellowship Nee Faculteit(en) Electrical Engineering FTE 1,0 Sluitdatum 16/02/2025&nbs...

AI Artificial Intelligence Electrical Engineering Electromagnetic Machine Learning PhD
Eindhoven University of Technology

Apply before 2025-02-16

PhD Position in Player-Centric Video Game AI

Location: Netherlands - Utrecht
PhD Position in Player-Centric Video Game AI Are you excited about the use of contemporary AI in video game play and development? Do you want to study novel, enhanced player experiences or integrate cutting-edge approaches to open new ...

AI Artificial Intelligence Computer Sciences Game Engineering PhD Programming Languages
Utrecht University

Apply before 2025-02-16


Location: Denmark - Copenhagen Aalborg East
ASSISTANT PROFESSOR IN COMPUTER SCIENCE (2024-224-06157) The Department of Computer Science at The Technical Faculty of IT and Design invites applications for one or more positions as assistant professor from June 15, 2025 or soon hereafter...

AI Artificial Intelligence Assistant Professor Computer Sciences Information Systems Machine Learning Programming Programming Languages Software Engineering Software Security
Aalborg University

Apply before 2025-02-14

PhD: AI to combine and model Electromagnetic Noise Footprint in cables (DC2)

Location: Netherlands - Eindhoven
PhD: AI to combine and model Electromagnetic Noise Footprint in cables (DC2) Aanstellingsfunctie(s) Promovendus Irène Curie Fellowship Nee Faculteit(en) Electrical Engineering FTE 1,0 Sluitdatum 16/02/2025 Aanvraagnumm...

AI Artificial Intelligence Electrical Engineering Electromagnetic PhD
Eindhoven University of Technology

Apply before 2025-02-16

Postdoc Position: Probabilistic Graphical Models at the Donders Centre for Cognition

Location: Netherlands - Nijmegen
Postdoc Position: Probabilistic Graphical Models at the Donders Centre for Cognition Are you interested in Bayesian networks, both in foundational topics as well as their application in clinical decision support systems? Do you want to...

AI Artificial Intelligence Computer Sciences Mathematics Postdoc Social Science
Radboud Universiteit

Apply before 2025-02-21

EngD student on Cloud and AI technologies in Image Guided Therapy

Location: Netherlands - Eindhoven
EngD student on Cloud and AI technologies in Image Guided Therapy Aanstellingsfunctie(s) Technologisch ontwerper in opleiding (EngD) Irène Curie Fellowship Nee Faculteit(en) Electrical Engineering FTE         1,0 Sluitdatum ...

AI Electrical Engineering Electronics Technology
Eindhoven University of Technology

Apply before 2025-02-15


Location: Austria - Vienna
As Austria's largest research and technology organisation for applied research, we are dedicated to make substantial contributions to solving the major challenges of our time, climate change and digitisation. To achieve our goals, we rely o...

AI Artificial Intelligence control engineering Machine Learning Master Thesis Mechatronics Robotics Student Assistants
AIT Austrian Institute of Technology

No deadline


Location: Austria - Vienna
As Austria's largest research and technology organisation for applied research, we are dedicated to make substantial contributions to solving the major challenges of our time, climate change and digitisation. To achieve our goals, we rely o...

AI Artificial Intelligence Machine Learning Master Thesis Mechatronics Programming Robotics Student Assistants Technical Background
AIT Austrian Institute of Technology

No deadline

PhD Position in Human-Centred AI in Education

Location: Netherlands - Utrecht
PhD Position in Human-Centred AI in Education Join us and help make AI-supported technologies in education more transparent and controllable. Your job Artificial intelligence (AI) is increasingly embedded in educational techn...

AI Artificial Intelligence Computer Sciences Data Science Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) information sciences PhD
Utrecht University

Apply before 2025-02-03

Masterarbeiten: Professioneller Einsatz von kollektiver KI im Unternehmen

Location: Germany - München
Masterarbeiten: Professioneller Einsatz von kollektiver KI im Unternehmen 26.11.2024, Abschlussarbeiten, Bachelor- und Masterarbeiten  Die jüngsten Entwicklungen im Bereich KI unterstreichen die zunehmende Bedeutung von KI in...

AI Artificial Intelligence Machine Learning Master Thesis Robotics Student Assistants
Technische Universität München TUM

Apply before 2025-01-31

Postdoctoral researcher: Combining AI, adaptive control, and digital twins

Location: Switzerland - Winterthur
Postdoctoral researcher: Combining AI, adaptive control, and digital twins to optimize autonomous systems 80 - 100% Are you passionate about cutting-edge automation technologies and their real-world applications? Join our team and the ...

AI Electrical Engineering Industrial Engineering Machine Learning Mechanical Engineering Optimization Postdoc Robotics
ZHAW Zurich University of Applied Sciences

No deadline

Master Thesis: AI-Powered Simulations for Real-World Medical Applications

Location: Germany - München
Master Thesis: AI-Powered Simulations for Real-World Medical Applications 18.11.2024, Abschlussarbeiten, Bachelor- und Masterarbeiten  Master Thesis: AI-Powered Simulations for Real-World Medical Applications Scientific ...

AI Computer Sciences Master Thesis Mathematics Physics Programming simulations Student Assistants
Technische Universität München TUM

Apply before 2025-01-31

PhD researcher: Control and task planning for advanced manufacturing (100 %)

Location: Switzerland - Winterthur
PhD researcher: Control and task planning for advanced manufacturing with domain knowledge and expert feedback (100 %) You like to contribute to cutting-edge research regarding incorporating expert feedback and preferences in process planni...

AI Data analysis Electrical Engineering Industrial Engineering Machine Learning Mechanical Engineering PhD Robotics software development
ZHAW Zurich University of Applied Sciences

No deadline

Data Science Engineer

Location: United States of America - Massachusetts
Working at MIT offers opportunities that just aren’t found anywhere else, including generous and unique benefits that help to ensure that MIT employees are healthy, supported, and enjoy a fulfilling work/life balance. Discover more about wh...

AI Artificial Intelligence Brain Science Computer Sciences Data Science Machine Learning Neuroscience computational neuroscience PhD
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Apply before 2025-01-26


Location: Austria - Vienna
Als Österreichs größte Forschungs- und Technologieorganisation für angewandte Forschung ist es unser Ziel, substanzielle Beiträge zur Lösung der großen Herausforderungen unserer Zeit, Klimawandel und Digitalisierung, zu leisten. Dabei setze...

AI Computer Sciences Expert Advisor Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) Innovation Media Informatics Technology
AIT Austrian Institute of Technology

No deadline


Location: Austria - Vienna
Als Österreichs größte Forschungs- und Technologieorganisation für angewandte Forschung ist es unser Ziel, substanzielle Beiträge zur Lösung der großen Herausforderungen unserer Zeit, Klimawandel und Digitalisierung, zu leisten. Dabei setze...

AI Computer Sciences Expert Advisor Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) Innovation Media Informatics Technology
AIT Austrian Institute of Technology

No deadline


Location: Austria - Vienna
As Austria's largest research and technology organisation for applied research, we are dedicated to make substantial contributions to solving the major challenges of our time, climate change and digitisation. To achieve our goals, we r...

AI Computer Sciences Cyber Security Data Science Junior Scientist Machine Learning Mathematics Programming
AIT Austrian Institute of Technology

No deadline


Location: Austria - Vienna
As Austria's largest research and technology organisation for applied research, we are dedicated to make substantial contributions to solving the major challenges of our time, climate change and digitisation. To achieve our goals, we rely o...

AI Computer Sciences Cyber Security Data Science Machine Learning Mathematics Programming Scientist
AIT Austrian Institute of Technology

No deadline


Location: Austria - Vienna
Als Österreichs größte Forschungs- und Technologieorganisation für angewandte Forschung ist es unser Ziel, substanzielle Beiträge zur Lösung der großen Herausforderungen unserer Zeit, Klimawandel und Digitalisierung, zu leisten. Dabei setze...

AI Computer Sciences Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) Media Informatics Research Engineer Scientific Computing Technology
AIT Austrian Institute of Technology

No deadline


Location: Austria - Vienna
Als Österreichs größte Forschungs- und Technologieorganisation für angewandte Forschung ist es unser Ziel, substanzielle Beiträge zur Lösung der großen Herausforderungen unserer Zeit, Klimawandel und Digitalisierung, zu leisten. Dabei setze...

AI Computer Sciences Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) Media Informatics Research Engineer Technology
AIT Austrian Institute of Technology

No deadline

PostDoc or Software Engineer position in AI-based Drug Discovery

Location: Switzerland - Basel
PostDoc or Software Engineer position in AI-based Drug Discovery100% / Available: 01 February 2024The Division of Computational Pharmacy, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, is offering a PostDoc or Software Engineer position to develop ...

AI Artificial Intelligence Computational Chemistry Mathematics Pharmaceutical Sciences PhD Physical Chemistry Physics Postdoc Software Engineering
University of Basel

No deadline

Postdoctoral researchers in Intelligent and Autonomous Systems

Location: Sweden - Stockholm
Postdoctoral researchers in Intelligent and Autonomous SystemsSchool of Engineering Sciences at KTHJob descriptionThe Optimization & Systems Theory research group at KTH is inviting applications for up to two postdoctoral researcher pos...

AI Artificial Intelligence PhD
KTH Royal Institute of Technology

No deadline

79 next


Helmut-Schmidt-Universität - Universität der Bundeswehr Hamburg

AIT Austrian Institute of Technology

International Max Planck Research School for Condensed Matter Science (IMPRS-CMS)

SAL Silicon Austria Labs GmbH

WMU - World Maritime University

Max Planck Graduate Center for Quantum Materials (MPGC-QM)