Location: Switzerland - Basel
Promotionsstelle am Seminar für Medienwissenschaft der Universität Baselab 01.01.2025Forschungsgruppe »Bureaugraphies. Administration After the Age of Bureaucracy«Im Rahmen der vom Schweizerischen Nationalfonds (SNF) in Kooperation mit der ...
Apply before 2024-10-01
Location: France - Paris
Assistant Professor in Professional Communications (Branding)The American University of Paris invites applications for a full-time Assistant Professor position in Professional Communications (Branding) in the Department of Communication, Me...
Apply before 2024-10-03
Location: Germany - Tübingen Baden Württemberg
The Leibniz-Institut für Wissensmedien (IWM) conducts research into the acquisition and sharing of knowledge and cooperation with digital media. The institute is a member of the Leibniz Association (Leibniz Gemeinschaft) and committed to in...
No deadline
Academic Europe, the European career network for Academics, Researchers and Scientists