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International Max Planck Research School for Condensed Matter Science (IMPRS-CMS)


PhD Position F/M Stochastic modelling of dynamical resource allocation and analysis

Location: France - Grenoble Montbonnot
PhD Position F/M Stochastic modelling of dynamical resource allocation and analysis of single-cell data  Contract type : Fixed-term contract Level of qualifications required : Graduate degree or equivalent Fonction : PhD Posi...

Biology Earth Science Health Science LifeScience PhD Stochastics
INRIA - National Institute for Research in Digital Science and Technology

Apply before 2025-09-30

PhD Position F/M Formal Verification of Higher-Order, Probabilistic Programs

Location: France - Sophia Antipolis
PhD Position F/M Formal Verification of Higher-Order, Probabilistic Programs Contract type : Fixed-term contract Level of qualifications required : Graduate degree or equivalentFonction : PhD PositionAbout the research centre or I...

Computer Sciences PhD Scientific Computing
INRIA - National Institute for Research in Digital Science and Technology

Apply before 2025-07-31

Associate or Full Professor in Accounting

Location: France - Nantes
Audencia ( invites applications for a position as Associate or Full Professor in Accounting. The position is for a full-time, permanent contract and is based in Nantes.Position requirementsWe are looking for applic...

Accounting Associate Professor Professor
Audencia Business School

No deadline

Assistant, Associate or Full Professor in Accounting

Location: France - Nantes
Audencia ( invites applications for a position as Assistant, Associate or Full Professor in Accounting. The position is for a full-time, permanent contract and can be based in Paris (Saint-Ouen) or Nantes.Position ...

Accounting Assistant Professor Associate Professor Professor teaching
Audencia Business School

No deadline

Researcher position to explore genomic architecture of disease resistance

Location: France - Nantes
Researcher position to explore genomic architecture of disease resistance in Crassostrea gigas (M/F) Description du poste et Missions  Deadline for applications: March 3rd 2025 Presentation of the host structure The ASIM...

Genetics genomics Molecular Biology Researcher
Ifremer - French Research Institute for Exploitation of the Sea

Apply before 2025-03-03

PhD Position F/M Shape Visual Servoing of Deformable Objects Robust to Model Uncertainties

Location: France - Grenoble Rennes
PhD Position F/M Shape Visual Servoing of Deformable Objects Robust to Model Uncertainties Contract type : Fixed-term contract Level of qualifications required : Graduate degree or equivalent Fonction : PhD Position ContextConditions:The Ph...

Applied Mathematics, Computer Sciences Computer Vision Engineering PhD Robotics
INRIA - National Institute for Research in Digital Science and Technology

Apply before 2025-02-28

PhD Position F/M Designing for Explainability in Sustainable AI (M/F)

Location: France - Grenoble Villeneuve d'Ascq
PhD Position F/M Designing for Explainability in Sustainable AI (M/F) Contract type : Fixed-term contract Level of qualifications required : Graduate degree or equivalent Fonction : PhD Position About the research centre...

Human Computer Interaction Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) Information Systems Machine Learning PhD Programming
INRIA - National Institute for Research in Digital Science and Technology

Apply before 2025-03-30

A full-time position in Ethnography and social sciences at Assistant / Associate professor Level

Location: France - Lyon
A full-time position in Ethnography and social sciences at Assistant / Associate professor Level FACULTY POSITION emlyon business school invites applications for a research focused position in Ethnography and Social Sciences. Appl...

Anthropology Assistant Professor Associate Professor ethnography Science management Social Science sociology
EMLYON business school Campus France

Apply before 2025-03-05

PhD Position F/M PhD student on privacy-preserving federate learning with applications in oncology

Location: France - Grenoble
PhD Position F/M PhD student on privacy-preserving federate learning with applications in oncology Contract type : Fixed-term contract Level of qualifications required : Graduate degree or equivalent Fonction : PhD Position&n...

Computer Sciences Cryptography Machine Learning Mathematics Oncology PhD Statistics
INRIA - National Institute for Research in Digital Science and Technology

Apply before 2025-06-30

Assistant or Associate Professor in Human Resource Management

Location: France - Nantes
Audencia ( invites applications for a position as Assistant or Associate Professor in Human Resource Management and Business Ethics. The position is for a full-time, permanent contract and is based in Nantes. Posit...

Assistant Professor Associate Professor ethics Management Science Science management
Audencia Business School

No deadline

PhD Position F/M Robust Federated Learning

Location: France - Grenoble Sophia Antipolis
PhD Position F/M Robust Federated Learning Contract type : Fixed-term contract Level of qualifications required : Graduate degree or equivalent Fonction : PhD Position About the research centre or Inria departmentThe Inr...

Statistical Learning Machine Learning Optimization PhD Statistics
INRIA - National Institute for Research in Digital Science and Technology

Apply before 2025-05-31

PhD Position F/M Modelling and simulation of cavitation bubble dynamics near kidney stones

Location: France - Grenoble Talence
PhD Position F/M Modelling and simulation of cavitation bubble dynamics near kidney stones Contract type : Fixed-term contractLevel of qualifications required : Graduate degree or equivalentOther valued qualifications : Master’s degree...

Fluid Mechanics Fluidics numerical modeling PhD Scientific Computing
INRIA - National Institute for Research in Digital Science and Technology

Apply before 2025-03-03

Full Professor in Organization Studies Research Profile

Location: France - Nantes
Audencia ( invites applications for a position as Full Professor in Organization Studies. The position is for a full-time, permanent contract and is based in Nantes. Position requirementsWe are looking for app...

Professor science organizations
Audencia Business School

No deadline

PhD Position F/M Topology Design for Decentralized Federated Learning

Location: France - Grenoble Sophia Antipolis
PhD Position F/M Topology Design for Decentralized Federated Learning Contract type : Fixed-term contract  Level of qualifications required : Graduate degree or equivalent Fonction : PhD Position About the research ...

Machine Learning Optimization PhD Statistics
INRIA - National Institute for Research in Digital Science and Technology

Apply before 2025-04-30

PhD Position F/M Design and analysis of parametric adaptive real-time systems

Location: France - Grenoble Villeneuve d'Ascq
PhD Position F/M Design and analysis of parametric adaptive real-time systems Contract type : Fixed-term contract Level of qualifications required : Graduate degree or equivalent Fonction : PhD Position About the researc...

Computer Sciences Embedded Systems PhD
INRIA - National Institute for Research in Digital Science and Technology

Apply before 2025-03-21

PhD Position F/M Trustworthy AI hardware architectures

Location: France - Grenoble Rennes
PhD Position F/M Trustworthy AI hardware architectures Contract type : Fixed-term contract Level of qualifications required : Graduate degree or equivalent Fonction : PhD Position About the research centre or Inria depar...

Architecture Computer Engineering Computer Sciences Electrical Engineering Embedded Systems Machine Learning PhD software architectures
INRIA - National Institute for Research in Digital Science and Technology

Apply before 2025-03-23

PhD Position F/M Real-Time execution of AI algorithms on embedded systems with partitioned memory

Location: France - Grenoble Villeneuve d'Ascq
PhD Position F/M Real-Time execution of AI algorithms on embedded systems with partitioned memory Level of qualifications required : Graduate degree or equivalent Fonction : PhD Position About the research centre or Inria dep...

Computer Engineering Computer Sciences Embedded Systems PhD Programming
INRIA - National Institute for Research in Digital Science and Technology

Apply before 2025-03-24

Information Systems: Professor of Practice (Assistant/ Senior/ Principal)

Location: France - Lille
In response to its continuous growth, IÉSEG School of Management is looking for a part-time Professor of Practice in Information Systems, at the Assistant, Senior or Principal Professor level (Lille Campus) with expertise in Cybersecurity, ...

Artificial Intelligence Assistant Professor Cyber Security Data analysis Information Systems Professor Senior Researcher teaching
IÉSEG School of Management

No deadline

Adjunct(s) Professor(s) in Information Systems

Location: France - Paris Lille
IÉSEG School of Management invites applications for adjunct positions in Information Systems with expertise in Python Programming, Artificial Intelligence, Analytics and Data Visualization, and/or No-Code Development within the Innovation, ...

Artificial Intelligence Associate Professor Information Systems Professor Programming
IÉSEG School of Management

No deadline

PhD Position F/M Modular compilation of real-time programs

Location: France - Grenoble Villeneuve d'Ascq
PhD Position F/M Modular compilation of real-time programs Contract type : Fixed-term contract Level of qualifications required : Graduate degree or equivalent Fonction : PhD Position About the research centre or Inria d...

Computer Sciences Embedded Systems PhD
INRIA - National Institute for Research in Digital Science and Technology

Apply before 2025-03-21

Accounting : Professor of Practice (Assistant, Senior or Principal)

Location: France - Lille
In view of its continuous growth, the Accounting Department at IÉSEG School of Management invites applications for part-time permanent positions as Assistant, Senior or Principal Professor of Practice in Accounting in Lille starti...

Accounting Assistant Professor Finance Professor
IÉSEG School of Management

No deadline

Adjunct(s) Professor(s) in Geopolitics

Location: France - Paris Lille
The People Organization and Negotiation Department is looking for adjunct professors in Paris and Lille. ABOUT IÉSEG SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT IÉSEG holds the “triple crown” of international accreditations (AACSB, AMBA & EQUIS...

Political Science Associate Professor international politics International Relations Professor
IÉSEG School of Management

No deadline

Adjunct(s) Professor(s) in Econometrics, Data Analysis, and Quantitative Methods

Location: France - Paris Lille
IÉSEG School of Management invites applications for adjunct positions to teach undergraduate-level courses in Econometrics, Data Analysis, and Quantitative Methods (Mathematics, Statistics, Optimization...), within the Quantitative Methods ...

Associate Professor Data analysis Econometrics Professor Quantitative Methods
IÉSEG School of Management

No deadline

Beamline Scientist for the Time-Resolved Ultrasmall-Angle Scattering Beamline ID02 (F/M)

Location: France - Grenoble
Beamline Scientist for the Time-Resolved Ultrasmall-Angle Scattering Beamline ID02 (F/M) CONTEXT & JOB DESCRIPTION You will actively involve in the operation and maintenance of the beamline, providing support to external users as local ...

Beamline Scientist Biology Chemistry Data analysis PhD Physics Scientist
European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF)

No deadline

Postdoctoral fellow (f/m) in time-resolved X-ray science on the beamline ID09

Location: France - Grenoble
      Postdoctoral fellow (f/m) in time-resolved X-ray science on the beamline ID09 CONTEXT & JOB DESCRIPTION You will participate in ongoing in-house research programmes, the operation of the beamline...

Biophysics Chemistry Data analysis Physics Postdoc X-ray science
European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF)

No deadline

Senior Electronics Engineer

Location: France - Grenoble
   Senior Electronics Engineer   CONTEXT & JOB DESCRIPTION Within the Detector & Electronics Group in the Instrumentation Services and Development Division, the Electronics Unit provides development and supp...

Electrical Engineering Electronics PhD technical
European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF)

No deadline

Post-doctoral research fellow (m/f) on ID19 in the Structure of Materials Group

Location: France - Grenoble
    Post-doctoral research fellow (m/f) on ID19 in the Structure of Materials Group  CONTEXT & JOB DESCRIPTION ID19 is a 150 m-long beamline dedicated to high resolution X-ray imaging (radiography and micro...

Chemistry Engineering Materials Engineering Materials Science Physics Postdoc
European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF)

No deadline

Software developer for data management

Location: France - Grenoble
      Software developer for data management CONTEXT & JOB DESCRIPTION As part of a group of 15 engineers, you will participate in a project focusing on the implementation of FAIR data management pract...

Computer Engineering Computer Sciences Data management software development
European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF)

No deadline

A full-time position in Entrepreneurship at Assistant professor level

Location: France - Lyon
A full-time position in Entrepreneurship at Assistant professor levelFACULTY POSITIONemlyon business school invites applications for a research focused position in Entrepreneurship. Applications are invited from highly motivated candidates ...

Assistant Professor Business Administration Entrepreneurship Innovation
EMLYON business school Campus France

No deadline


Location: France - Grenoble
SOFTWARE ENGINEERS / DATA PROCESSING EXPERTS FOR X-RAY DATA ANALYSISCONTEXT & JOB DESCRIPTIONThe upgrade of the ESRF synchrotron source has led to a steep increase in data volumes and throughput, for a wide range of X-ray experimental t...

Biology Chemistry Computer Sciences Data analysis Data Science Physics Software Engineering X-ray science
European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF)

No deadline


Location: France - Grenoble
PHD THESIS STUDENT (F/M) ON ID06-LVP IN THE MATTER AT EXTREMES GROUPCONTEXT & JOB DESCRIPTIONSubject: Oxidation and fluorination reactions at high pressure and temperatureYou will join Prof. Ulrich Häussermann (Stockholm) and Dr. Wilson...

Chemistry Geosciences Materials Science PhD Physics
European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF)

No deadline


Location: France - Grenoble
CONTEXT & JOB DESCRIPTIONYou will participate in the operation of the beamline, ongoing in-house research programmes, provide support to external users as local contact, and develop your own research programme. Together with the beamlin...

Biomechanics Biomedical Sciences Chemistry Data analysis Physics Postdoc
European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF)

No deadline

Wissenschaftler (m/w/d) Modellierung, Simulation / Flugregelung von Drohnen, Projektilen und Missile

Location: France - Saint-Louis
Das Deutsch-Französische Forschungsinstitut Saint-Louis (ISL), mit Sitz im Dreiländereck Deutschland, Frankreich und Schweiz, ist eine international führende Top-Forschungseinrichtung. Bewerben Sie sich am ISL und entdecken Sie faszinierend...

Aerospace Engineering automation technology Modelling Processing Scientist simulations
ISL - Deutsch-Französisches Forschungsinstitut Saint-Louis

No deadline

Wissenschaftler (m/f/d) für theoretische, experimentelle und numerische Flugmechanik

Location: France - Saint-Louis
Das Deutsch-Französische Forschungsinstitut Saint-Louis (ISL), mit Sitz im Dreiländereck Deutschland, Frankreich und Schweiz, ist eine international führende Top-Forschungseinrichtung. Bewerben Sie sich am ISL und entdecken Sie faszinierend...

Aerodynamics PhD Physics Programming Languages
ISL - Deutsch-Französisches Forschungsinstitut Saint-Louis

No deadline

Wissenschaftler (m/w/d) - Computer-Vision / Entwicklung von Algorithmen

Location: France - Saint-Louis
Das Deutsch-Französische Forschungsinstitut Saint-Louis (ISL), mit Sitz im Dreiländereck Deutschland, Frankreich und Schweiz, ist eine international führende Top-Forschungseinrichtung. Bewerben Sie sich am ISL und entdecken Sie faszinierend...

Algorithms Computer Vision Scientist
ISL - Deutsch-Französisches Forschungsinstitut Saint-Louis

No deadline


Universität der Bundeswehr München

TU Darmstadt

AIT Austrian Institute of Technology

SAL Silicon Austria Labs GmbH

OTH - Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule Amberg-Weiden

International Max Planck Research School for Condensed Matter Science (IMPRS-CMS)

BAM - Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung

Max Planck Graduate Center for Quantum Materials (MPGC-QM)