Following research topics are at this moment open and subject to be incorporated into several master thesis. A master thesis may incorporate more than one listed topics to a full thesis. For your application please refer to the code referenced with the set of topics.
Explore the field of WBG devices and dig into device characterization, modelling and simulation for power electronic devices and systems.
Dig into power electronics topics centered around electrical machines and drives and tackle new methods for failure investigations.
Explore the field of WBG devices and dig into device characterization, modelling and simulation for power electronic devices and systems.
- Calorimetric setups for loss estimations in power converters especially in the context of switching losses (soft/hard switching characterization).
- Application of machine learning techniques for predicting losses in power converters based on calorimetric data.
- Novel methods to decouple losses of the power converter and on-state voltage measurements in the context of wide-band gap devices.
- Automation of novel characterization methods for WBG devices and different packages.
- Temperature calibrated power semiconductor simulation models and model validation.
- Accurate characterization and influence of ‘asymmetry’ on the losses of paralleled switching devices.
- Improve power electronic cooling by investigating new materials and methods and evaluate in the lab.
- Tackle the challenges around gate driver requirements for wide-band gap devices.
- Develop Testboards for optimized half-bridge setups for different packaged devices, integration with the gate driver boards and testing.
- Implement sensors and feedback mechanisms in gate drivers, and design algorithms for real-time monitoring and adaptive control based on the operating conditions.
Dig into power electronics topics centered around electrical machines and drives and tackle new methods for failure investigations.