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We welcome people from all walks of life to bring their talent, ideas, and experience to our community. We value diversity and strongly encourage applications from individuals from all identities and backgrounds – like yours. If you want to be part of our exceptional, multicultural, collaborative, and inclusive community, then take a look at this opportunity.
Predoctoral Research Fellow
Job Description
PREDOCTORAL RESEARCH FELLOW, Economics, to join Professor Ashesh Rambachan and support work at all stages of the research process on projects in the fields of econometrics and applied machine learning, with particular emphasis on applications in behavioral economics, criminal justice, and health economics. Will engage directly in the research process and implement complete project pipelines covering data processing, machine learning, and statistical inference.
Research fellows will work on projects with Professor Rambachan and his co-authors at MIT, the University of Chicago, and Stanford University. This position offers the opportunity to gain exposure to and training in a broad set of statistical methods and economic research topics.
Job Requirements
REQUIRED: a minimum of a bachelor’s degree in economics, computer science, mathematics, statistics, or a related field; at least two years of specialized experience with qualitative data analysis, research methods, and/or social sciences (which may include experience gained as an undergraduate); strong quantitative and programming skills in Python and R; and meticulous attention to detail. Seek a self-motivated individual with strong organizational and time and project management skills who can work independently. Job #23526
Questions may be directed to
Please apply online with the following in a single PDF attachment titled “RA_Application_[First name]_[Last name].pdf”: cover letter, resume, and transcript if applicable.
Applications will be reviewed and interviews conducted in January and early February. The preferred start date is June 1, 2024, with some flexibility.
An employment term of one to two years is expected.
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