Postdoc position in Classical Archaeology (2 years)

Postdoc position in Classical Archaeology (2 years)

100 %

The Department of Ancient Civilizations of the University of Basel invites applications for one Postdoc position (100%) in Classical Archaeology (2 years) within the SNSF-funded research project 'Rethinking Collapse: the Fall of Sybaris (ca. 510 BC) and the Transformation of Greek Colonial Space'. For further information, please see:
Deadline for application: May 07, 2023.      
Beginning of the position: September 01, 2023.
The interviews are expected to take place on Monday, May 15, 2023, online via Zoom.
The project
Under the influence of contemporary experiences, research in cultural studies has, been increasingly focusing in the past years on the end of cultural systems, on ruptures and discontinuities that determine the history of humankind to this day. While scholarly interest focuses predominantly on contemporary developments in a global context, the historical perspective has been largely neglected up to now and is only recently becoming the object of scientific research. The SNSF project 'Rethinking Collapse: the Fall of Sybaris (ca. 510 BC) and the Transformation of Greek Colonial Space' housed at the Institute of Classical Archaeology at the University of Basel (PI: Martin A. Guggisberg) seeks to advance the current debate in ancient studies, by taking an innovative, multidisciplinary look at one specific case study, the downfall of Sybaris (ca. 510 BC), one of the wealthiest colonies of the Greek Archaic world. Sybaris and its hinterland, the Sibaritide, are best suited for this project, because of both a detailed written historical tradition (Herodotus/Diodorus) and an excellent archaeological baseline. Moreover, thanks to the University of Basel's long-standing fieldwork in the Macchiabate necropolis of Francavilla Marittima, which is situated nearby, the SNSF project is well embedded in local and regional scientific networks.
Postdoctoral Position in Classical Archaeology/Ancient History (2 years)
The postdoc will be fully funded for a period of two years and work in the Department of Ancient Civilizations on a project entitled: Sybaris in context: destruction and dis/continuities of cities and settlements in the ancient Mediterranean from a historical and cultural-theoretical perspective (1st millennium BC). At the intersection of Ancient History and Classical Archaeology this project will be devoted to the question of the decline, destruction and possible renewal of ancient Sybaris with particular regard to its hinterland, and it will place this case in a broader historical context, with an emphasis on Southern Italy. In particular, the question of the extent to which the historical narrative of the destruction of Greek cities of the Archaic and Classical period is influenced by literary topoi is to be examined. Furthermore, the study will investigate the immediate reactions to the destruction by the local population as well as the long-term consequences of the conquest for those affected by it. In order to answer these questions the postdoc will work in an interdisciplinary way with both historical and archaeological data. He/she will also collaborate with a PhD candiate who examines Attic pottery imports of the late 6th and early 5th cent. BC in the Sibaritide and the adjacent regions and their impact to the cultural-historical process of transformation in the region. 

Your position

The postdoc project will concentrate on historical and archaeological sources as far as they are published. The evaluation of the data will be carried out in cooperation with the other subprojects, in particular with the PhD-project. Moreover the postdoctoral researcher will participate in the scientific activities of the SNSF-project. The results of the investigations will be published in 2 papers in peer-reviewed journals.

Your profile

Applicants should hold a very good doctoral degree in Classical Archaeology or Ancient History, demonstrate some experience with both historical and archaeological source materials and methodologies, be highly motivated to conduct innovative transdisciplinary research at the intersections of Classical Archaeology, Ancient History, Digital Humanities and Geoarchaeology, have an excellent command of at least one of the following three languages, Italian, German or English, and be able to work autonomously within an internationally and institutionally diverse environment. 

We offer you

A stimulating research environment at the Department of Ancient Civilizations, housing one of the world's leading research libraries in Classical Studies and many international collaborations. The Institute of Classical Archaeology hosts the 'Francavilla Marittima Macchiabate project' ( directed by Prof. Dr. Martin A. Guggisberg since 2009. The salary and the conditions of employment will be those of the University of Basel.

Application / Contact

We look forward to receiving your complete application via the online application portal of the University (see button below). Applicants should submit a motivation letter, a current CV (including a list of publications if applicable), a text sample of a research paper (PhD-thesis or other), a letter of reference and a copy of their academic degrees via the online application portal of the University (see button below) until May 7th, 2023. Applications that are not submitted via the University's online application portal will not be considered. Questions about the position can be addressed to Prof. Dr. Martin Guggisberg, Department of Ancient Civilizations, University of Basel, Petersgraben 51, CH - 4051 Basel ( or to MA Ilaria Gullo (

University of Basel

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No deadline
Location: Switzerland, Basel
Categories: Ancient History, archaeologist, archaeology, Humanities, Postdoc,


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