We are looking for students whose passion is programming and interactive data analytics. One of our current projects classifies sea ice radar altimeter waveforms to identify ice age, melt ponds, leads, and more. Series of images, the different input parameters, geological references, statistical analysis, results of dimensionality reduction techniques, and more should be linked together in an interactive dashboard. It does not aim only on data visualization but also on the insight of machine learning classification results (PCA, t-SNE, more).
If you want to deepen your experiences in software development and data science, but are also looking for a working environment where you can bring your own ideas and solutions, feel be warmly invited to apply for this position. Our international team is always looking for new team members. We also offer the opportunity to work in our well-equipped visualization laboratories. We would also be happy if you might eventually be excited to carry out your final thesis with us.
Look forward to a fulfilling job with an employer who appreciates your commitment and supports your personal and professional development. Our unique infrastructure offers you a working environment in which you have unparalleled scope to develop your creative ideas and accomplish your professional objectives. Our human resources policy places great value on a healthy family and work-life-balance as well as equal opportunities for persons of all genders (f/m/x). Individuals with disabilities will be given preferential consideration in the event their qualifications are equivalent to those of other candidates.
Academic Europe, the European career network for Academics, Researchers and Scientists